Quick Start


Welcome to Authorcats – the website platform for professional authors.   For best results, we highly recommend using our Concierge Service to get you set up as quickly (and effortlessly) as possible.

Our team will install one of our pre-made templates for you – you can choose between the LIGHT, the DARK, or the BRIGHT templates – and get everything ready for you so you can swap out our placeholder images and copy for your own.

From there, just hook up your email marketing provider and you’re good to go. All of this is covered in our detailed walkthroughs, and you can get in touch with our support team at any time if you need help.

If you’re a DIY fan and would prefer to do everything yourself, we’ve laid out all the steps for you in our detailed walkthrough guide. If you’d prefer to work through the setup yourself, please make sure you go through our guide in order from start-to-finish (i.e. don’t skip around).  The first step with the DIY route is to download and install your theme files and activate your license – click your Avatar icon in the top-right to access all that (and make sure you watch the setup video).

Otherwise, just get in touch with our Concierge and we can do all this for you (including installing your theme).

If you get stuck, which is totally normal (even cats aren’t perfect), please reach out to our support team – support@authorcats.com – we can generally respond within a few hours Monday thru Friday.

Choose a Starting Point

Authorcats is a WordPress theme and therefore requires that you have web hosting, a domain name and WordPress installed.  These items can be a bit confusing (and frustrating) to setup if you’re unfamiliar with them, which is why we’ve recently launched what we’re calling our Concierge Service.  To get started, choose an option that makes sense for you…

Start with our Concierge Service

We can help you get the annoying tech stuff setup, such as web hosting, installing WordPress and even uploading our demo site to your domain so you don’t have to start from scratch.  If you’d like to take advantage of this service (it’s included for free), then get started by telling us a bit more about your current situation.  Get started with our Concierge Service


Start on your own (So you’re an expert, huh? NICE!)

If you already have web hosting, WordPress installed and/or understand how to install a WordPress theme, then the initial setup should be rather straightforward.  Get started on your own